Privileges (Make Me Admin for macOS)

Privileges is an installable app that enables users to make themselves an administrator on their University-supported Mac for 10 minutes.

To install Privileges from Self-Service; 

  1. Open the Self Service app found in the dock or the Applications folder.
  2. At the bottom-left, click Log In, this will redirect to a University Login page.
  3. Search for "Privileges" in Self Service and install "Privileges - Admin Toggle".

Once Privileges is installed, it will be added to the Dock.


From your dock, Privileges (a padlock icon) should be available. If you are already a local administrator, the icon will be an open yellow padlock, if you are a standard user the icon will be a closed green padlock.


You can gain or revoke admin rights by opening Privileges, entering a reason, and choosing Request privileges.

Once any tasks have been completed, you can revoke your admin rights by running Privileges again and selecting Revert Privileges

NOTE: By default, admin rights will be removed after 10 minutes if they have not already been reverted manually.




We have identified compatibility issues with the Privileges app on macOS versions released in mid-December 2024, specifically versions 13.7.2, 14.7.2, and 15.2.0. These include the app failing to open or generating excessive notifications and alerts. To resolve these issues, please follow these steps:

  • Update your macOS to the latest version.
  • Reinstall the Privileges application.
  • If these actions do not resolve the problem, contact the IS Helpline or your local support team for further assistance.

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