Instructions to set up Phone call 

Instructions for setting up the Phone Call sign-in method

An automated call can be made to a land or mobile telephone number, prompting for the press of a specified key.

  1. In a web browser, login to the My Sign-ins website using your Edinburgh username in the format and your login password.
  2. If you do not enter the account setup automatically, select +Add sign-in method > Alternative phone > Add
  3. Provide the phone number to use.
  4. Select Call me, then Next
  5. Verify the call made to the phone.
  6. Activate your MFA

Activate your MFA

Simply launch the activation form below and click Activate. Note, activation usually takes about 1 hour, but may take up to 24 hours. Once complete your applications will start prompting you for MFA.

Launch activation form

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