Committee Intranet Setup Form

Complete this form to request a committee intranet.

General Information
e.g. Space Management Group
Your email address
e.g. Moray House School of Education, Corporate Services Group etc.
e.g. smg
Committee Editors

Editors will have read/write access to the Admin area of the committee’s intranet, i.e. can add meetings or papers. Will also have read access to the committee papers.

Please comma separate the list of usernames you supply.

e.g. jbloggs
Committee Secure Group

Committee Secure Group will have read access to the restricted (“closed”) committee papers on the Intranet. Usually this is Committee Members and their PAs. Unrestricted (“open”) papers will be visible to anyone on the world-wide-web.

Please comma separate the list of usernames.

e.g. jbloggs