
Overleaf Pro available for all Staff and Students for this Collaborative writing and publishing tool.

Overleaf is an online LaTeX and rich text collaborative writing and publishing tool for writing editing and publishing scientific documents.

Three Year Deal up to January 2025

 Overleaf pro+  is available for all staff and students using the domain @ed.ac.uk

Find out more about the benefits of using Overleaf at http://www.overleaf.com/benefits and how it works at http://www.overleaf.com/help .                  

Sign up to use

This is open to all staff and students at the university and comes with 20GB of storage. Follow the Edinburgh University link below to sign up/register for an overleaf account using your Edinburgh email address.

Overleaf Request

Any Problems?

Please contact Overleaf's support team if you have any problems with the software at http://www.overleaf.com/contact or email support@overleaf.com