IS software support categories

IS software support categories are currently under revision.

Software support categories are currently under revision.  Software may be in the database because IS support or recommend its use, if there is a site license or bulk purchase available at the university, if a package for it has been released in the windows managed desktop or if it is used within the university community.

Older General Support levels

Four general levels of support are attributed to software by version.

Support Category Definition
Full Support A fully supported package has at least one IS expert and other knowledgeable staff.
Partial Support IS will have a few staff with some knowledge of the software.
Minimal Support IS has limited or no resource to support software in this category.
Community Software IS can offer little or no support, although there is some use the university community.

Managed desktop packaging status

Database entries are being added for IS managed desktop software packages. You can see the packaging status on the Desktop Services Applications page 

Packaging Status Definition
Requested A request has been made to package a software version for an IS managed desktop.
Packaging Indicates that packaging work is in progress for this software version
Testing Testing of the packaged software is in progress but not yet in service.
Released Software package is now available on the Application Catalog
Withdrawn Software package has been removed from the Application Catalog if there is a newer version, the license may have expired or it can no longer be supported. 

The Support Codes will be restored to the packages in the Software Database once the support review has been completed. All requests for software support and discussions about software use should be directed through IS Help and Consultancy Services.

Searching the software database

Check the software database to see if the software you are looking for is on our list (you'll need edlan access to to the search). If it is not on our list, check within your own school IT support in case they bought it or use it locally. Also check the software wishlist to see if software services are trying to put together a deal for it.