Compliancy of Medium Priority Services

Table showing whether the medium priority UoE services are compliant with the supported browsers.

Service Windows 10- Edge Windows 10 - Firefox ESR Windows 10 -Chrome Mac OS X Firefox ESR Mac OS X Chrome Linux Firefox ESR
Worktribe 1) OK OK OK OK 1)
PURE (Admin) 1) OK OK OK OK 1)
People & Money 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
Timetabling 1) OK OK 1) OK 1)
Reporting + Analytics (BI Suite 1) OK OK 1) OK 3) 1)
Unidesk 1) OK OK 5) 1) OK 5) 1)
Legacy eFinancials 1) OK 1) 1) 1) 1)
EBIS On-line 1) 8) 1) 8) 1) 1)
Event Booking (Admin and public) 1) OK 11) OK 1) OK 1)
Legacy HR/Payroll HRMS (inc. self service) 1) OK NO 1) NO 1)
ID Management 1) OK OK 1) OK 1)
EdWeb (backend) 1) OK 1) 1) 1) 1)
Webcentral (Helpdesk) 1) OK OK 1) 1) 1)
Lecture Recording 1) OK OK 1) OK 1)

1) Not tested

2) Compatibility view required

3) ATR process not working otherwise OK

4) Not supported by supplier

5) Issue when scrolling when the browser scaling is above or below the 100% default setting

6) Treewalk (bespoke graphic overview for CMDB) renders incorrectly.

7) Performance Issues of Java Applet in BI Suite & cannot select a cascaded prompt value in Webi report through CMC

8) CAD Drawings no longer works

9) eRecruitment Back Office no longer works

10)Works only with Flash Player installed

11) Scheduling calendar not allowing the creation of future events.  WorkAround :  Coming out of the schedule and going back in.