When you received your university login, you agreed to abide by the University Computing regulations. As well as agreeing to The University of Edinburgh Computing Regulations that you have a responsibilty to comply with the terms and conditions which come with any software you buy or use at the university. It's your responsibility to keep any software licences, codes and media you receive in a safe place. What is a software license? A licence agreement accompanies any software you buy or use at UoE. The license gives you some rights to use the software - you will never own it outright, copyright and IP are usually still owned by the software house. Software licence terms & conditions do vary and each licence should be read carefully. Do not assume that it will be the same as previously bought software from the same supplier. Copyright Infringement Please remember: copying software without permission is illegal. In the long term it will not save you or the University money. This warning is no less important for software for which there is a special deal or site licence, since the conditions of these agreements require that records are kept of every copy made. Illegal copying could lead to the withdrawal of our licence and consequently the loss of the discounted pricing. Eduserv License Conditions EduSERV has made available a general form for the acknowledgement of third-party licensing rights on the EDUSERV user obligations web page. Software Services administer a number of Eduserv site licenses and special purchases. The form should be filled out and returned to Software Services whenever a member of Staff or a Student takes receipt of a piece of software through one of the University's Eduserv agreements. Document UoE - User acknowledgement of third-party rights (PDF format) (62.24 KB / PDF) Document UoE - User acknowledgement of third-party rights (Word .doc format) (695 KB / DOC) This article was published on 2024-10-08