Submit a hosting request. Your Details Your Name Your UUN (University Username) Your email address Your School/Department Your Hosting Domain Name Domain name approval Please confirm the domain is approved by the University Naming Committee or your school/department. Hosting Options Hosting option required - Select -Linux Hosting - BronzeLinux Hosting - SilverLinux Hosting - Gold Webspace only is suitable for static HTML, CSS & PHP. A database is required for web applications such as Wordpress, Joomla or Drupal. Charges Please confirm you have read the charging details and are aware of any charges for your selection Primary purpose of your webhosting Teaching/Learning website Corporate/Support website Research website EASE Integraton No EASE required EASE Integration required Please provide a brief description of the intended use for this hosting Entitlement Please confirm you have read and comply with our entitlement guidelines I consent to the University processing the information I provide. This article was published on 2024-10-08