Using and Managing ThingLink

Getting started with ThingLink and guidance on creating interactive content.

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Getting Started

ThingLink can be assessed in a browser or through the ThingLink app which can be downloaded from App Store or Play store. On your ThingLink My content page, you will find sample ThingLinks that you can clone and use. You can also click on the Explore tab in the top right of your dashboard to find ThingLink curated images and those shared. 

Creating and Sourcing Digital Assets

The University has a variety of resources and guidance to support staff with creating content that complies with  UK copyright laws. We highly recommend exploring the Copyright in Teaching web pages for a steer on things to consider when creating different types of materials. The University also has an  Open Educational Resources (OER) policy and OER Service with comprehensive resources and training opportunities to help you embed open approaches into your teaching practice. 

Please see the Accessibility tab for tips on how to make your ThingLinks accessible. 

Help and Support

We have a custom user guide available to support you in creating, developing and sharing content with ThingLink. You can also visit ThingLink's own support pages, which you can search by topic to find the most relevant information.