Help on how to make Zoom sessions Accessible to all. Zoom has a range of accessibility features that can improve how accessible your sessions are to users. This includes: Live Automatic Captioning. Screenreader compatibility. The ability to pin multiple speakers to the screen. Download a text version of meeting captions. Thoughtful Session Planning Planning a session well can help increase the accessibility of your teaching. For example: Planning session well in advance allows users to test their equipment and find out about the teaching platform. Clearly explaining how participants can use the interactive tools to ask questions and provide feedback before and after the session. Further guidance on creating thoughtful, accessible sessions can be found on creating thoughtful, accessible sessions below. Creating Accessible Lectures or Tutorials Guidance for Accessible Remote Teaching Zoom Accessibility Statement Closed Captioning and Zoom Recordings While Zoom does provide an automatic live transcription service you will still need to manually edit the transcript in order to ensure that the captioning is accurate. Please see the information below on how to access and edit Zoom meetings in your chosen system. Media Hopper Replay All Zoom recordings are automatically transferred into your Media Hopper Replay library or course area. This will also transfer over any captioning files that were produced during a meeting where the closed captioning service was used if you have enabled the saving closed caption setting in There is a list of Zoom settings that we recommend enabling available in the Zoom Basic Users Guide. In order to edit and enable the use of the transferred captioning file users will need to convert the transcript into Closed Captions in Media Hopper Replay. This is a simple task and will enable you to edit the captions manually. There is step-by-step guidance on converting and editing captions in Media Hopper Replay available. Downloading Zoom recordings as mp4 If you plan to download a Zoom recording directly from Zoom, or Media Hopper Replay to upload into Media Hopper Create or for personal use, the transcript of the live transcript will download as a separate text-based file. This is a .vtt file and is accepted by most captioning systems, or it can be viewed in any basic text editor such as Notepad. You can also use this file to upload closed captions to Media Hopper Create. Need help? Zoom Support If you still need help: Contact the IS Helpline This article was published on 2024-10-08