Learning analytics projects

Information about some of the learning analytics projects, past and present, at the University of Edinburgh.

We think learning analytics and  student data analysis hold great potential to address the challenges confronting educational institutions. By merging technical methods for data mining and with educational theory research and practice, learning analytics offer novel and real-time approaches to assessing critical issues such as student progression and retention,  21st century skills acquisition, as well as personalised learning.

Melissa Highton, Director of Learning, Teaching and Web Services and Assistant Principal Online Learning, University of Edinburgh. From the blog post "Learning Analytics - LAMARR" (Learning Analytics Map of Activities, Research and Roll-out), 2016.

Current learning analytics projects

Learning Analytics in UltRA (LAURA)

In 2024, Information Services' work on learning analytics is part of the VLE Excellence Programme. The LAURA project focuses on how the Learn VLE’s analytics can be used to support and enhance the student experience. The project team will develop guidance and training for students and staff to help them understand and make the best ethical use of the data available to them in Learn and other learning tool platforms that integrate with Learn. This project will also review the Learning Analytics policy and cultivate a learning analytics network with other institutions for sharing our learning and learning from others’ learning analytics experiences.  

You can find out more about LAURA on its project page and on Melissa Highton's blog post at the beginning of the project. 

LAURA project page   

Melissa Highton's Blog: LAURA project

For staff guidance on using learning analytics within the Learn VLE, University staff can visit the analytics section of the Using Learn as an Instructor SharePoint (University of Edinburgh users only).  The analytics section includes guidance for course activity, student activity in assessments, graded item statistics, progress tracking, discussion analytics, and question analysis.  

Blackboard Learn VLE SharePoint for Instructors

For student guidance on learning analytics within the Learn VLE, please visit the learning analytics section of the Using Learn as a Student SharePoint (University of Edinburgh users only). This page includes information about the learning analytics available to students, progress tracking, learning analytics available to teaching teams, and how teaching teams might use learning analytics. 

Blackboard Learn VLE SharePoint for Students: Learning Analytics


Past learning analytics projects

Learning Analytics Map of Activities, Research and Roll-out

The University of Edinburgh has a number of past practical and research projects, many of which cut across disciplines and involved a range of organisations. The matrix below shows the spread of our activities, and descriptions of the projects can found below. (Click on a project's title in the text below to learn more about it.)

A 2x2 grid showing learning analytics projects and whether they're local/cross UoE and student/institution focussed.