Known issues

Known issues with Feedback Studio and PeerMark

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Issue Platform Impact Workaround
Turnitin PeerMark inbox does not allow randomly assigning reviewers to different inboxes. (Users can no longer select an inbox to base PeerMark on.) All Staff There is no workaround. When manually paring students, the Number of Automatically Distributed Papers for Review overrides the number of Manually Paired Papers. Turnitin suggest typing '0' in the box for Automatically Distributed Papers for Review to stop the system override. (Do not use the down arrow to reduce the number as it does not go to 0.)
The student can Save their review as a draft and Submit, but can no longer re-submit. All Students No workaround. Staff need to inform their students of this, as once they Submit their review they will not be able to edit it.
Error message about the end date of a class being exceeded, when creating a new PeerMark inbox. All Staff Create a new non-PeerMark assignment with a later end date (then hide it); this should stop the error message appearing when you create the PeerMark inbox.

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Further issues

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