PeerMark case studies

Work at the University of Edinburgh featuring the use of PeerMark

Please note, these made use of Turnitin PeerMark (Basic).

Use of PeerMark in Biological Sciences

The system worked well with our class of 280 students and can be easily used anywhere that uses Turnitin submissions

Dr. Heather McQueen
School of Biological Sciences

Dr Heather McQueen wrote a case study about her experience of using PeerMark for a summative process within a large second year biology class:

Case Study: Biological Sciences-Turnitin PeerMark


Use of PeerMark in the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Sciences [R(D)SVS]

Using PeerMark is much easier than doing things manually. Students get rapid feedback. And as it is peer feedback they take that on as being a serious, helpful, different viewpoint compared to a tutor giving them feedback

Dr. Claire Phillips
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies

Dr Claire Phillips wrote a case study about her experience of using PeerMark. PeerMark allows students to give, receive and reflect on mid-course anonymous peer feedback and an opportunity to modify elements of 4th year course work (BVM&S Veterinary Degree) in response.

Students' feedback about PeerMark with Dr Claire Phillips [please allow time for audio clip to buffer]:



Audio feedback from Dr Claire Phillips about PeerMark [please allow time for audio clip to buffer]:


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