Looking to book a desk to use ahead of time or a room for group work? Bookable desks are available at the Main Library and dedicated bookable study rooms are available across our sites. Bookable desks Individual desks can be booked online using either the SeatEd App or alternatively the online booking form. Bookable desks are available on the 5th floor of the Main Library which is for silent study only. The North (main entrance) side of the floor is reserved for Post Graduate students only, the South side of the floor is open to all library users. Bookable group study rooms Rooms are available across our Central and King's Buildings (KB) campuses providing a great environment to focus in together on your project. These rooms can be used and booked online by all University of Edinburgh students. Alternatives for group work Need a space at short notice or finding yourself unable to book a room? There are good alternatives to the bookable group study rooms at the following sites: Main Library has study pods located on the ground and first floor which can provide space for up to 6 users to work together supported by a display screen. Study Hub at 40 George Square has flexible desk arrangements on the ground and first floor to allow you to configure space for up to 8 users. Nucleus has numerous booths across its floors and informal space distributed across its floors to allow you to meet and work together. This article was published on 2024-10-08