Annie Hutton Numbers (1897–1988)

Annie Hutton Numbers was a chemist and teacher, obtaining a PhD from the University of Edinburgh and working as an Assistant Lecturer in the School of Chemistry. The Annie Hutton Numbers Training Room in Argyle House was named in her honour.

Photograph of Annie Hutton Numbers

Annie Hutton Numbers was a scientist, teacher and lifelong learner. In 1917, she joined the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, where she remained a member for 16 years. She graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1918 with an MA (Hons) in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. After completing her undergraduate studies, Annie undertook professional training to become a Specially Qualified Teacher of Science in Intermediate and Secondary Schools. 

Fueled by a love of knowledge, Annie acquired a BSc in both Mathematics and Chemistry from the University of Edinburgh in 1920. Throughout the final stages of her degree, Annie worked as an assistant in the chemistry laboratories, and was appointed Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in the University’s School of Chemistry.

While part of the university staff, Annie began a PhD in Chemistry. In 1926, she was awarded her doctorate for the thesis "The Influence of Substituents on the Optical Rotatory Power of Compounds". During this time, Annie also co-authored several papers for publication in the Journal of the Chemical Society.  

Annie Hutton Numbers left her post at the University to become a secondary-school teacher in Ipswich, and achieved the status of Senior Science Mistress in just a few years. Annie retired from teaching in 1965.  

To commemorate her invaluable presence at the University, the training room EW.09 in Argyle House was renamed the Annie Hutton Numbers Training Room.  

To learn more, visit: Anne Hutton Numbers Wikipedia article



​​​​​​​Her work was characterised by method and efficiency. Her accurate knowledge and skillful manipulation combined with a flair for teaching made her an ideal instructress. […] With both staff and students Dr. Numbers was persona grata.

Dr. John E. MacKenzie
Reader in Chemistry at the University of Edinburgh