IS Corporate Directorate

IS Corporate Directorate covers 4 primary areas for ISG - Disability Information; Business Administration Services; ISG Facilities; and IS Strategic Planning & Governance.

Jo Craiglee, Head of Knowledge Management & Planning leads the Directorate.


Viki Galt, Head of Disability Information, leads this section, which provides advice on all aspects of accessibility.

Liz Thomas, Senior Admin Business Partner, leads this section, which operates a Service Catalogue to assist ISG managers and staff with a range of administrative processes.

Craig Robertson, IS Facilities Operations Manager, leads this section, which is responsible for ensuring that all the facilities/services necessary for the smooth operation of the Information Services Group as a whole are available.

Claire Maguire, Deputy Head of IS Strategic Planning & Governance leads this section, which is responsible for the development and delivery of high quality professional services to support the planning, policy and governance functions of Information Services Group, ensuring rigorous corporate governance and contributing directly to the effective governance and operation of the Group.