Information on what to do in the event of a fire in University buildings. On discovering a fire In the event of a fire follow the instructions that are given in the Fire Action Notices that are displayed throughout the buildings. If you discover a fire: Operate the nearest fire alarm call point. Leave the building quickly and calmly by the nearest fire exit route. Ensure that the University Emergency Service has been informed by dialling 2222 from extensions on the 650/651 exchange (for all other telephones, dial 0131 651 3999). Never attempt to tackle the fire yourself unless you have been trained in the use of fire extinguishers and feel confident that you can do so without endangering the safety of yourself and others. On hearing the fire alarm Leave the building immediately using the nearest available fire exit. All fire exit routes are clearly indicated with the emergency signs bearing a 'running man' symbol. Lifts MUST NOT be used. Do not stop to collect belongings. Close the doors behind you as you leave your room. Go directly to the Fire Assembly Point designated to your building (as indicated on the Fire Action Notices). Follow the instructions given by fire stewards, fire assembly controllers and fire co-ordinators. DO NOT re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Fire Brigade. Specially designed fire-fighting lifts can be used to assist in evacuation of mobility impaired persons. Means of escape Ensure that you are familiar with as many as possible of the exit and fire escape routes from your building. Fire exits and escape routes must always be kept clear of obstructions, especially combustible items. It is an offence to obstruct a fire exit. Always ensure that fire doors are kept closed (except automatic fire doors which close when the fire alarm is activated) as they are designed to confine a fire and hold back smoke. Fire doors must not be propped or wedged open. Lifts must not be used in the event of a fire. Note that specially designed fire-fighting lifts can be used to assist in evacuation of mobility impaired persons. This article was published on 2024-10-08