Talk pages are where editors can discuss improvements to articles. Talk Pages On Wikipedia, every article has a talk page. This is a place where discussions about content on an article, any disagreements that may arise and interaction between different editors can take place. You can find them for each article by typing in the name with 'Talk:' at the start. For example, Talk:Scotland.It is a fantastic way for collaboration to happen on Wikipedia and for people to share information and advice. However, it is not the place for extended discussion or debate and the focus should be on the article to which the talk page is connected. Talk pages also list WikiProjects that help monitor and curate the page’s content and are places to also ask questions.Please remember to sign any message you leave on talk pages. You can do this with four tildes (~~~~) and this will automatically insert your signature (your username and date stamp). For example, Yourusername (talk) 15:37, 23 June 2020 (UTC).Communicating with others using the Talk page and Help Desk video Further Resources Using talk pages (pdf)© Ewan McAndrew and Hannah Rothmann, University of Edinburgh, 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0, unless otherwise indicated. This article was published on 2024-10-08