The Digital Skills and Training team are always keen to hear suggestions for new courses. If you would like to suggest a course please complete this form. Thanks! Are there any courses which you'd like us to consider delivering? Please give brief details. Please indicate if you are: Undergraduate Postgraduate- taught Postgraduate- research Staff Visitor School or department - None ---College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences--Edinburgh College of ArtCentre for Open LearningSchool of Literatures, Languages and CulturesBusiness SchoolCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of History, Classics and ArchaeologySchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language SciencesSchool of Health in Social ScienceSchool of Social and Political ScienceMoray House School of EducationSchool of DivinitySchool of LawSchool of Economics--College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine--Edinburgh Medical SchoolRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary StudiesCollege of Medicine and Veterinary MedicineDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health SciencesDeanery of Biomedical SciencesDeanery of Clinical Sciences--College of Science and Engineering--School of EngineeringSchool of Biological SciencesCollege of Science and EngineeringSchool of Physics and AstronomySchool of InformaticsSchool of GeosciencesSchool of ChemistrySchool of Mathematics--Corporate Services--Estates DepartmentFinanceProcurement Office incorporating Printing ServicesHealth and SafetyUniversity Sport and ExerciseCorporate Services GroupAccommodation, Catering and EventsFlowave TTResearch Support OfficeSunergos InnovationsEdinburgh Innovations LimitedResearch Into Results LtdEdinburgh University PressVeterinary Scientific ServicesCentral Bio-Research ServicesSocial Responsibility and Sustainability--Information Services--EDINA and Data LibraryUser Services DirectorateLibrary and University CollectionsLearning Teaching and WebProject Services DirectorateIT InfrastructureInformation Services CorporateApplication Development and OperationsDigital Curation CentreInformation Security Directorate--Non-specific units--External UnitsInternal Units--University Secretarys Group--Deputy Secretary Strategic PlanningEdinburgh GlobalCommunications and MarketingHuman ResourcesUniversity SecretaryStudent ServicesDevelopment and AlumniCourtInternal AuditLegal Services Please enter an email address if you'd like us to contact you about available courses on your suggested topic I consent to the University processing the information I provide. The information you provide will be used by the Digital Skills and Training team at The University of Edinburgh to allow us to respond to your enquiry. We will delete the data saved in this webform annually. This article was published on 2024-10-08