Noreen and Kenneth Murray Library

This is an overview of access facilities at the Noreen and Kenneth Murray Library at King’s Buildings and how we assist disabled users.


Noreen and Kenneth Murray Library Help Desk

The library is situated on the King’s Buildings Campus. Disabled parking spaces are available in the adjacent KB Square car park and on Thomas Bayes Road. Entry to the Library is via the first floor of the KB Nucleus, which can be accessed by a lift in the KB Nucleus. Once inside the Library, the upper floors of the Library can be accessed by using the Library lift. The lifts in the KB Nucleus and the Library are wide enough to accommodate electric wheelchairs, and disabled users have priority access to the lifts. Use of the library lift requires a current University card, and operates between floors 1 and 3. Ground floor lift access is via the KB Nucleus. Maps can be sent out in advance and assistance dogs are welcome.

If you are a student and wish to arrange individual adjustments such as study rooms and reduced cost printing you should contact the Disability and Learning Support Service (DLSS) as soon as possible. None of the services mentioned in this document are instead of support you may receive from the DLSS. Their contact details and services can be found at the end of this document. 


  • The Helpdesk on the first floor is set at a height appropriate for wheelchair users, and has a section removed at the front to allow for closer approach. 
  • Coloured acetates, portable desk lamps and an A4 page magnifier are available to borrow.
  • An ergonomic mouse and mouse mat with wrist rest are available to borrow.
  • All library documents are available in alternative formats upon request.
  • A library trolley can be borrowed if you find it difficult to carry books.
  • Extended borrowing is available for disabled students and is arranged via the Disability and Learning Support Service. Induction tours can be arranged.
  • Staff will be happy to assist in whatever way you need such as helping with printers and photocopiers to collecting books etc.

Helpdesk opening hours can be found at:

Helpdesk opening hours

Accessible toilets

Accessible toilets are available on all floors.

IT services

Wheelchair sign on wall
  • All open access PCs have mindmapping software and TextHelp Read and Write 
  • Accessible study rooms 1 and 2 on the first floor contain a range of assistive technology. If you are a student and wish to arrange access to these rooms please contact the Disability and Learning Support Service.

Furniture and study rooms

If you are a student you may be eligible to use the accessible individual study rooms on the 1st Floor. To arrange this students should contact the Disability and Learning Support Service (details at end of webpage). There are two adjustable height desks located outside of room 2.03 on level 2.

Fire Evacuation

If you require assistance to evacuate in an emergency you should ensure you have a PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan). To arrange a PEEP for this building please contact your school or line manager for more information. If you are a visitor to the building and require assistance to evacuate in an emergency please inform a member of staff at the Reception Desk in the Nucleus Building.

Useful contacts

Noreen and Kenneth Murray Library

The Noreen and Kenneth Murray Library webpages have information on opening hours and contact details.

Noreen and Kenneth Murray library

Disability and Learning Support Service

Will provide advice and support for disabled students and students with specific learning difficulties (eg dyslexia).

Disability and Learning Support Service

The University of Edinburgh

Contact details

Alternative Formats

If you require this document in an alternative format such as Braille, large print etc, please contact Viki Galt, Head of Disability Information. 

Viki Galt

Head of Disability Information

  • Information Services
  • The University of Edinburgh

Contact details

BSL users can contact us via Contact  Scotland BSL, the on-line British Sign Language interpreting service. Find out more on the Contact Scotland BSL website.