Card use after completing studies

As soon as you become eligible to graduate, no matter when you graduate or what your card's Valid Until date is, you cease being a student and your card is no longer valid.

Any functions associated with the card will cease. These include:

Door access

Any labs or other buildings to which you had card access will no longer be available.

Library access

After the last day of your course you will not be able to borrow books using your Student Card.

Swipe access to library buildings will continue until your School/department has stated you have 'completed' your course.

Graduates of the University are entitled to free access to the libraries. Appropriate ID must be provided to register.

Upay - Cashless catering

If you have money remaining on your Upay account when leaving the University, you have a period of 6 months to spend in any of the 23 University owned cafes and bars.

Upay FAQs