What we do

UX stands for User Experience. UX is about gathering insight and using this to improve the experience of people who use your service.

When it’s harder than it should be to get things done using a service or system, applying UX techniques and approaches can enable you to find out what people need and how to make it easier for them to complete their tasks.

We help to improve digital experiences

The UX Service helps improve people's experiences of using software, websites and systems at the University. 

We recognise the impact that digital information or content can have on someone's experience and therefore we focus on making content easy to find, use and understand.

Our team has experience of supporting a range of large-scale and smaller-scale projects. When we make recommendations, we do so drawing on our previous experience gathering knowledge about University staff and students, as well as your specific project or programme needs and circumstances.

How we work

We will arrange a call or a meeting with you to find out your requirements.

We will ask you about:

  • what you want to find out
  • who's using the software, website or system that you support
  • what they use it for
  • what content you want to focus on
  • what changes you want to make or problems you want to solve.

Our expert team will then propose a course of action to help you. Often this includes a combination of activities:

  • research: usability testing, interviews, surveys
  • data analysis
  • appraising and developing your content
  • workshops and co-design
  • designing and visualising ideas.

We provide different levels of service

At any point in time, we may be working on a range of different projects. Depending on our team's capacity and existing priorities, we can:

  • complete UX activities for you (daily rate applies)
  • provide coaching in UX (contact us to discuss your requirements)
  • help you to complete UX activities yourself (use our UX and content design toolkit)
  • assist you with the recruitment of external UX specialists.

For the best outcome, engage with us as early as possible

It is never too early to think about UX.  We can offer help at any stage of a project, however, considering UX at the start of a project helps ensure user-centred decisions are made from the start. This can avoid wasting time and effort developing products, systems or services which don't meet users' needs and having to pivot and make changes later.  

To enable us to help you most effectively, please contact us at the earliest possible stage – for example, when:

  • a project brief is written or signed off
  • a project team is formed
  • kick-off meetings are scheduled
  • scoping begins.

Examples of our previous work

You can read about some of the work we have done with colleagues across the University in our blog posts:

UX Service - Website and Communications blog

Contact us to discuss your requirements

Read our service level description

Our Service Level Description is available to view.