Newbattle High School

The University of Edinburgh partnered with Midlothian Council to support the development of a Digital Centre of Excellence in Newbattle High School. 

Professor Judy Robertson and her team from Moray House School of Education and Sport led several projects in the school during the transition to the new building.  Their focus was on Digital and Data Education, building the capacity of the learners, teachers and the wider community.


Learners at Newbattle High School look at sensor data on a chromebook

The Data Technology Team at the University of Edinburgh became involved with Newbattle shortly after the opening of the new building. It tested some of the latest LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) technology in the hands of the learners.  Learners were given sensors constructed by the engineers in the university to measure light, temperature, air pressure, humidity, CO2 and sound.  Learners in S3, supported by students from the School of Informatics in the University, looked to solve problems they perceived with the new building.

The S3 computing class looked at the temperature gradients across the English classrooms, affected by the rising sun, the CO2 levels in the Maths classrooms and the sound levels in the CDT workshops.

CO2 values plotted in a graph


This early work by learners, students and teachers has shaped the IOT in Schools project in the future.