Contact Us

The best way to get in touch with any member of the Data Technology team is through the Website Support email address.

Service queries

Please contact the Data Technology Team for any inquiries on IoT, including:

  • IoT in Schools Pilot
  • Innovation projects
  • Biodiversity Monitoring

Your email will be redirected to the best person to deal with your enquiry.

IoT Service


Find us

We are based in Argyle House, Floor D East (Underground). All meetings and visits are by appointment only.

When visiting us, enter Argyle House via the main entrance on West Port. Go past the main building reception through the first two doors into Information Services reception. Meeting rooms are located to the left of the reception desk.

We encourage you to use sustainable transport when visiting. There is a regular shuttle bus between King's Buildings and the Central Area, and there are bike stores in the Central and nearby ECA campuses. Our office is a 10-15 minute walk from the Central campus.

Find our office on Campus maps

King's Buildings-Central Area Shuttle bus timetable

Secure bike stores

IoT Service


IoT Service

ISG Data Technology

Argyle House, Floor D East

3 Lady Lawson Street

Edinburgh EH3 9DR