Our three phases of design allow you to fully explore your users' needs, making sure you are creating the right solution to the right problem. This can be mapped to the 'double diamond' design model. Our design process is made up of three phases. Identify user needs (Phase 1) The first phase is about making sure you are designing the product that people need, and investigating those needs. Watch our video explaining this phase in detail. Phase 1 - Identify user needs Generate solutions (Phase 2) The second phase is about coming up with initial ideas and prototyping and testing solutions to see what works for your users. Phase 2 - Generate solutions Develop solutions (Phase 3) In the final phase, you can move on to building your proposed solution, while continuing to test it to check that it meets your users’ needs. Phase 3 - Develop solutions Double Diamond model Our approach can be explained using the 'Double Diamond' approach, which lays out the phases of design. Measuring success Each of our design phases have standards which you can use to assess how your project is performing against the standards. Measuring success This article was published on 2024-10-08