Student Record System (EUCLID) upgraded

Student record system (SITS) successfully upgraded

Our Student Record System (EUCLID) has been successfully upgraded. The upgrade was completed over a very busy and intense weekend of work by a project team made up of staff from Applications Directorate and Student Systems. Due to current lockdown restrictions all of the preparatory and implementation work for the upgrade had to be completed remotely. Despite these significant challenges the upgrade was completed successfully with no disruption to users on the following Monday.

In addition to the Live upgrade our Development, Test, Training environments have also been upgraded and their data sets have been refreshed to reflect current Live data. Following the upgrade the latest functionality is now available to users and the Student Record software remains fully supported under the maintenance contract agreed with the supplier Tribal Systems.  

This has been great achievement and a wonderful example of the great collaboration work being done by our staff with colleagues across the University. 

A special thanks to the team who worked over the weekend to upgrade EUCLID, our student record Lisa Dawson
Director of Student Systems

More details about the project are available at: