We're making Main Library study space availability levels more visible and accessible. Image Our Main Library has a finite number of study spaces and we know that often you are looking to use them at the same times as other library users. So we are providing a traffic light system that can be accessed online as an indicator of how busy the Main Library is at any given time, which may be helpful when planning your visit. Updated every 5 minutes, it displays an indicator of occupancy based upon library entries and exits, using anonymised and aggregated card data recorded at the barriers. The data is derived from existing information sources: card identity when the University card is used to enter and leave the library. Encryption methods and de-identification processes ensure privacy is protected. Main Library occupancy traffic light system View the Main Library occupancy traffic light system. Data and privacy See further details about the Main Library Occupancy Traffic Light System data and privacy. (Ed. this article was originally published on 3 Jan, 2019) Publication date 11 Dec, 2018